
Notification of PT Kutai Timber Indonesia Domicile

Since 1st February 2018, PT Kutai Timber Indonesia has moved from Jakarta to Probolinggo

Hereby We inform you that since 1st February 2018, PT Kutai Timber Indonesia has moved from Jakarta to Probolinggo, East Java with address as below :


Old Address

New Address

Summitmas II 8th Floor,

Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav 61-62

South Jakarta 12190

Jl Tanjung Tembaga Baru

Pelabuhan Probolinggo

Probolinggo, East Java

Telp (+62 335) 422 412

Fax (+62 335) 421 669


Everything regarding to this new domicile, please to be able to adjust.

Hereby this information, thank you for your attention and cooperation.



Safety Day Celebration 2018 PT Kutai Timber Indonesia