Probolinggo - PT Kutai Timber Indonesia once again held a free medical examination and treatment for the residents of RW VI Kampung Dok Kelurahan Mayangan Kota Probolinggo on January 18, 2020. At the residence of Mr. H. Amat, this event was held from 08.00 to 13.00 WIB.
Resident participation was quite high, it can be seen from the long queues before the registration hours is opened. 120 residents from the age of toddlers to elders checked their health.
PT KTI in collaboration with Lanoostic Utama Clinical Laboratory provided 1 pathologist, 1 general practitioner, 1 nurse, and 1 pharmacist. Residents are examined by the doctor, taken samples for the laboratory, and then given medicine according to the doctor's analysis.
Carried out examinations include blood tests, blood sugar tests, gout tests, blood pressure tests, etc. Laboratory results will be given a week after the examination. All provided examinations and treatments were free of charge. In addition, every citizen would get a can of milk from PT KTI's CSR committee.
This examination and treatment activity is a regular agenda carried out by PT KTI twice a year for the residents of Kampung Dok as a form of PT KTI's concern for the residents around the company. It is hoped that this assistance will facilitate the needs of the local residents, especially in the health sector.