
Celebrating Golden Anniversary, PT KTI Assists Underprivileged Children Around the Company

KTI Darma Bakti Foundation assists children in need in the area around the company intending to reduce the burden and inspire learning motivation

Probolinggo – Still in the spirit of its 50th anniversary, the KTI Darma Bakti Foundation under PT Kutai Timber Indonesia assists underprivileged children around the company. This assistance was delivered by the Chairperson of the Foundation along with the Secretary and Treasurer on 2 October 2020 for students of Mayangan 1, Mayangan 2, and Mayangan 4 Elementary Schools of Probolinggo. The event was held in the classrooms of each school while still implementing health protocols by wearing masks, washing hands before entering the room, sitting at a distance, and not shaking hands.

The assistance provided was stationery and school bags. In addition to assisting, Mr. Azis Sidqie, as the Chairperson of the Foundation, also gave motivation for students to continue to study hard even in the pandemic era. Mr. Azis also reminded them to continue to maintain health and apply the protocol as recommended by the government and then provide hand sanitizers and masks to each student.

One of the teacher representatives from Mayangan 4 Elementary School said that PT KTI always provided assistance every year but had not given it in 2015-2018. In 2019 PT KTI provided more assistance in the form of Biology Teaching Aids (Human Skeleton, Ear, Torso, Eye, Lung, and Teeth Models) and 2 whiteboards. The teacher hopes that PT KTI's assistance does not stop here so that it can help to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools and give motivation for students.


Efforts to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 at PT KTI